Who should battle the Godslayer Kratos?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Zande Warrior vs Aztec Jaguar Edges

First of all, here is the grading system. Tell me if something is bad; I haven't done this before.

Long Range: 30 Points
Mid Range: 25 Points
Close Range: 20 Points
Special Weapons: 25 Points
Shields: 20 Points
Armor: 40 Points
Variables: 15 Points each

Those variables are:
Psychological Warfare

This system is somewhat copied from Ares, but for now I think it is a good system to grade with, but later editions may not have this.
In any case, let's begin.

Long Range:

Atlatl & Tlecochtli vs Botta & Pima
Weapon vs Weapon
 On range, the two are pretty much even. The Botto has no recurves and it is made of just wood. The atlatl is just a spear thrower. On accuracy, I have to give an even. The Botto just inherently gives a little more accuracy, but it is countered by the Aztec training. In power, I will give an edge to the atlatl. It could pierce light chainmail for god's sake; the Botto cannot easily penetrate cotton. Incidentally, the Aztec is wearing cotton. In other factors, I give an edge to the Botto. The poison is a great help to the bow, while the atlatl has no such help. Overall, they are even as weapons. The atlatl edge in power is balanced by the Botto's edge in poison.

Weapon vs Armor
The atlatl is far superior here. The atlatl will penetrate the Kube and into the Zande warrior, while the Pima will probably get stuck in the Chimalli, and be blocked by the cotton. This is a huge edge for the Aztec. Will the poison go through armor? I don't know. DW was unclear on the subject, and I don't know.
Again, the atlatl is superior here. The Aztec was trained to throw the atlatl with much precision; the Zande has no training. Hunting helps, but it isn't enough. At all.

OVERALL: Aztec Jaguar
While the Botto and Atlatl are equals, the Aztecs edge in Armor and Skill is huge. The atlatl will be getting kills far more often than the Botto & Pima.
Mid Range:
Tepoztopilli vs Makrigga

Weapon vs Weapon
In range, the two weapons are even.  While the Makrigga has a bigger blade, it is a thrusting weapon and can only be used as such. In accuracy, I say edge Aztec. Both weapons are accurate, but the Aztec trained with this weapon more than the Zande giving them more accuracy. In power, I give an edge to the Makrigga. The iron weapon just is more powerful than the wooden one, and the Tepoztopilli is a slashing weapon, not a thrusting one. In other factors, the Makrigga gets an edge. The hooks will devastate the Aztec and make any blow exponentially lethal. Overall, the makrigga gets an edge. The hooks and power give an edge over the accuracy.
Weapon vs Armor
The two weapons will go through each others armor; the Zande has none, and we saw the Makrigga penetrate the cotton. Against shields… I give an edge to the Makrigga. The chimalli is just too small to not prevent penetration, and the slashing nature of the Tepoztopilli makes the Kube surprisingly effective. Overall, edge Makrigga.
The two are interesting here; the Aztec has more training but less experience and the Zande has less training but more experience. The Tepoztopilli, however, suffers from a lack of battlefield usage. The Zande uses the weapon more often than the Aztec, and he has a lot of experience with it. The Aztec also trained more with the atlatl and macuahuitl; the tepoztopilli is a second-rate weapon. Edge Makrigga.

OVERALL: Zande Warrior
While the Tepoztopilli is a decent weapon, the lack of thrusting capability and the Makrigga's deadliness make it an inferior weapon, and the Zande has a little more skill in the battle. Really, the Zande warrior brings in a great weapon to a mediocre one.
Close Range:
Cuauholilli vs Makraka 
  Weapon vs Weapon
 First, the two are about even in range. While the Cuauholilli only has a small area of death, the lack of cutting power against things that don't fit in the Makraka's death zone makes them even. On Accuracy, I give a narrow edge to the Cuauholilli, mostly due to training. The Aztec's training is becoming very important...Anyway, on Power I give it to the Makraka. The iron cuts better than the stone does blunt damage, and the curve on makes it better. Here, I give an edge to the Makraka; the edge in Power makes up for the small lack in accuracy.
Weapon vs Armor
The Cuauholilli is probably the only Aztec weapon not to be able to penetrate the Kube. While the Makraka will get stuck in the Chimalli, the important part is that the cotton does not protect the target of the Makraka, i.e. the neck. I give an edge to the Makraka based upon the fact that the Cuauholilli will be stopeed by the shield more often than the Makraka will be by the shield and armor.
Close one here. The Aztec has more training but less experience and the Zande the opposite. However, the Makraka was more often used as an execution weapon. The cuauholilli, on the other hand was used in combat. Both are pretty much even due to lack of usage, but the Cuauholilli gats a small edge.

Overall: Zande Warrior
The Zande takes a small edge here, mostly due to the cutting power of the iron and the lack of armor on the Aztec against the Makraka. The cuauholilli is a nice weapon, but a Makraka will do more damage faster. Plus, the Kube is a serious hindrance to the Cuauholilli's performance.

Special Weapon:
Macuahuitl vs Kpinga
 Weapon vs Weapon
 First of all, the Kpinga is a throwing weapon. The macuahiutl is a melee weapon. You cannot throw the macuahuitl; but you can throw the Kpinga. If you fight with the Kpinga at close range you will be killed by a superior weapon; heck, the Cuauholilli is on equal terms with it at melee range. The macuahuitl will absolutely devastate the Zande. Which has more range? You cannot really answer that. If you throw the Kpinga it has more range but if you go in close the macuahuitl will kill you. However, the Zande is not stupid. He won't charge into a deadly macuahuitl; rather, the elites with Kpingas would throw them. Therefore, I give an edge to the Kpinga in range. In accuracy, the two are pretty much equal. The macuahuitl is accurate as much as the kpinga at close range, but at throwing distance (15 yards?) the Kpinga is pretty accurate. In power, the two are equal. The obsidian blades cut through a LOT of stuff; to the point that blocking with the Kube against a body shot is nearly self-damaging from the reliance on the shield! The Kpinga is no weakling; it could cut through the chimalli if it was weakened and cut probably cut through the cotton armor. However, the macuahuitl is just as powerful if not more powerful than the Kpinga. In other factors, the Kpinga takes an edge. If the macuahuitl is de-bladed it is useless, while the Kpinga does not suffer from this. Also, the Zande carries multiple Kpingas, so the Zande can use them often. However, the weapon is hindered by its rarity; it was prized as a weapon for real men and was only distributed to professional warriors. It's not going to be available to every Zande; but neither is the macuahuitl, for the lack of construction materials needed for such a project. I give neither one an edge; the Kpinga will do a lot of hurt at longer ranges but when you get close the macuahuitl will dominate the Zande.
Weapon vs Armor
Will the Kpinga cut through the cotton armor and the Chimalli? I don't see it cutting through the Chimalli on the first hit; the shield is just a little too tough. However, it will hurt the defender's hand and may break through on a second throw. Let's see if the Kpinga cuts through cotton:

Well, the clip from DW is hard to find. 

Bahahahah! They didn't test it on the show! Time to make my judgement.

I think it will penetrate if it hits a spike on the Kpinga. If it just makes a slash with the sharp but flat part it won't cut, but if the spike hits directly it will penetrate. Will the macuahuitl penetrate the Kube? Yes it will. A macuahuitl hacks through horses' heads; and we saw in the battle of Zande vs Aztec that the macuahuitl cuts through the Kube with ease. This puts a huge dent in the Zande's game; they cannot always kill the Aztec but the Aztec can almost always kill the Zande. Overall,I give an edge to the macuahuitl here. The Kube will not stand up to the macuahuitl, while the cotton may stand up to the Kpinga.
This is interesting. The Kpinga is notable for being pretty valuable in Azande culture, and a man will probably have some skill throwing the thing, since they are gifts and Azande people are rather prone to warfare considering the region. However, I think that a macuahuitl is going to have skill behind it; Aztecs were trained warriors, and they would have undoubtabley gone over how to use the thing and how to successfully kill an enemy without significant damage to the blade. I give a small edge to the Macuahuitl, seeing as how they are trained with it and they also have experience with the weapon, as opposed to the Zande only having experience. This is really starting to hurt the Zande...
Overall Edge: Aztec Jaguar
This is a hard edge to give, and probably the haredest in the entire matchup. The Kpinga is an absolutely nasy throwing knife; if the blade hits you, you are not going to be in fighting condition at best and dead at worst. Plus, it scares the enemy because the Kube can hold 4 of these suckers. Thats like Chief just hurling frag grenades at you; just unpleasent in every way possible. However, the Macuahuitl makes a name for itself easily. It is probably the strongest weapon in the Aztec arsenal, and a man-killer. However, it is limited by range and manuervability; for example, a Zweihander is harder to wield than, say, a gladius and round shield (I know I am probably wrong, but you get my point). However, it makes up for it sheer POWER-it will annhilate the Kube and force the Zande to avoid CQC with the Aztec, and for this reason it gets the edge over the Kpinga.

Good, now we have easy edges. The Chimalli is a nice shield, sure, but it is hindered by the incompatability with the Aztec's arsenal. Only the Cuauholilli and MAYBE the Tepoztopilli can be used with the Chimalli; and I seriously doubt the Tepoztopilli because you are using a halberd as a spear. It is also smaller and less important then the Kube. The Kube is the Zande's hail mary in this battle, and it is their greatest source of defense. Plus, the Kube can hold 4 Kpinga. You do not want more than 1 Kpinga against you.

Well, this isn't very close. The Zande has a loincloth and maybe a headress; the Jaguar has a cotton cuirass that will block both the Botto and the Makraka. (though to be fair, the Makraka is not designed to cut through the torso) The Aztec takes this for having actual armor, even if it won't stop the Makrigga.

The Aztec barely takes this, because while they have armor it's like wearing a sweater; it's not going to affect mbility that much. However, the Zande is limited by the Kube which could get in the way of good mobility.

Well, i think this goes to the Aztec for the simple fact that they have had military training and know how to effectively fight. Not to say the Zande don't- I imagine they are stupid, but they aren't trained in the art and aren't going to fight as effectively.

This one goes to the Zande in my opinion. They are about equal in diversity and length, but the Zande grow up in a warlike environment and the odds of being in war from a young age is much greater than the Aztec, who are most often nobles.

Must I truly explain this? Aztec Noblemen have exceptional training, and are very experienced with their weapons and warfare. The Zande have experience, but at most they are taught how to hunt and fight, but not that in-depth. Aztecs easily take this.

Both of these warriors are disceplined and will not abandom their mission. However, here I give a small edge to the Aztecs because they are not only fighting for the Aztec Empire, they also are fighting for a god, and that is a great loyalty booster.

Psychological Warfare:
The Aztecs are somewhat scary, sure, but carving your teeth and developing ways to specifically freak out the opponent- in addition to metal weapons, nets the Zande an edge here.

Well, the edges are done. Feel free to comment or say that I am wrong, and I might change my opinion if I am really convinced. The battle will take...I have no idea. It took me a couple months to make this, sure, but I worked on it for around 3 hours maybe. So, may come next week and might come 'round Christmas. The next match will feature a famous European general, even if that doesn't teach you much.


  1. Hah Sweet I called all of them except maybe two of the x-factors!
    My overall prediction stays the same, the Aztecs will take this in a reversal of Deadliest Warrior. They will take out a few of the Zande's at range (or mortally wound them ) while the Zande will be lucky to get one kill with their bows (and in all liklyhood a delayed kill). This puts them at a immediate advantage from the onset, something that will translate into superior numbers by the time the squads join.

  2. he looking good. also the weapon on weapon, weapon on armour and the skill sections look rather familiar :P

    anyhow, looking good, keep up the works
